26 August 2011

Sheathing and Roofing - 25 August 2011

There was a sense of urgency in the air today. The wind blew strongly and with the warnings of a hurricane coming on the weekend, it seemed like we all just wanted to make sure that lots got done in case we had to stop for several days. The guys finished the west-side sheathing and then moved their staging to the east-side in order to start the shingling on the mansard roof. They had to trim a bit more of the Hawthorne and Privet hedge in order to make sure that they could get the staging in and be able to safely move. They were able to get a good start on the underlay, drip edge and shingles on the mansard roof.

Will and I moved a lot of the scrap lumber from the south-side of the building to the basement and a lot of bits and pieces were picked up, put away or put out for recycling. The staging that isn't currently in use got the start of a paint job. All of these various activities were capably supervised by Stella the dog who thinks so highly of all of our work that she lays down and has a nap - when she isn't enjoying little treats.

Clawfoot bathtub was delivered this evening. Its going to be fun to install - it takes five guys to lift it.

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